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Buy Dermal Fillers Online

Bio Hyalux Lips (1x1ml)



Bio Hyalux after being injected into the body, combines with soft tissue tightly, expanding the volume of the injected area to reach the effect of facial modification via physical filling. Bio Hyalux Lips (1x1ml) being an injectable Hyaluronic Acid it corrects lip defects and enhances volume with a concentration of 20mg/ml.

Bio Hyalux is an Acid base dermal filler in the aesthetics market, which adds volume to the skin, smooths away facial lines and wrinkles, creates and shapes facial contours. Bio Hyalux Lips is provided in a range of products for superficial dermis, mid-to-deep dermis, deep dermis and lips.

Bio Hyalux for can be metabolized to CO2 and H2O as the original HA does in the body, it does not cause any residue. Bio Hyalux Lips (1x1ml) is an injectable Hyaluronic Acid that corrects lip defects and enhances volume with a concentration of 20mg/ml. Bio Hyalux is manufactured through a long-lasting cross-linking process at low temperatures (gentle cross-linking). Slow mixing allows for the cross-linking agent (BDDE) to widespread better and more uniformly. The amount of BDDE used is 30 percent lower than in the majority of other products, available on the market, having the same degree of viscosity. The formulation includes two molecular weights of Hyaluronic Acid: 1M Dalton and 500K Dalton, thanks to which it is possible to calibrate better the product’s viscosity properties.

Side effects or risks may include Bio Hyalux Lips (1x1ml):
  • Severe and prolonged swelling or bruising lasting one week to 10 days.
  • Lip asymmetry (parts of lips are different sizes)
  • Lumps and irregularities in the lips.
  • Infection.
  • Injection into a blood vessel, causing tissue loss.
  • Ulceration, scarring, or stiffening of the lip.

So If the Bio Hyalux Lips is not permanent, such as Restylane Silk or Juvederm, the lips will return to their original shape,” says Dr. … On average, Bio Hyalux Lips  are supposed to last six to nine months, but as the lips are more mobile on a daily basis, it could sometimes be a little less

If severe, unremitting swelling (more often seen with hyaluronic acid-based fillers or Radiesse) or allergic reactions occur, they can be managed with oral corticosteroids and antihistamines.

If ridging or beading occurs with a non-permanent implant, it will usually resolve with time. If considered necessary, the filler can be extracted within the first few days of a treatment by the technique of incision and drainage of the clumped accumulation of the filler. Permanent filler implants can be managed with intralesional corticosteroids, surgical excision, dermabrasion or CO2 laser resurfacing.  Small upper lip nodules resulting from a treatment of Radiesse may diminish by vigorous lip massage, incision and drainage, intralesional steroid or surgical excision.

If prolonged blanching and pain occurs while injecting the Bio Hyalux Lips there is a possibility that cutaneous arteriolar occlusion has occurred. The immediate administration of heat, massage of the area and application of the nitroglycerin paste should be performed while the patient is still in the office and at home by the patient until the symptoms subside. If a hyaluronic acid-based filler was used, hyaluronidase can be injected in the blanched, painful area and around the vessels involved and in order to disrupt the product and decompress the vessel in the hypoxic area.

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